Welcome to Earth!
We’re a public benefit corporation that builds technology and strategic partnerships for the protection of forests, oceans, biodiversity, and human rights.
The Earth Platform
We achieve this through the Earth Platform, a GIS platform powered by smartphone and satellite-based technology that’s been designed to serve indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) working on the frontlines of conservation.
From indigenous forest and fishing communities to smallholder farmers and their workers, our application supports a wide range of activities from biodiversity monitoring for the REDD+ carbon credit market, protection of coastal fisheries and the verification of sustainability and worker welfare in supply chains.
Working offline our smartphone application extends advanced data collection to anywhere in the world and offers automated synchronization to the cloud and seamless integration with daily satellite imagery from Planet.
Introducing Earth Live
Earth Live features interviews with people working on the frontlines of conservation, sustainability and human rights.
Human Rights and Sustainability
Earth proudly supports the
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the following United Nations Sustainability Development Goals through the use of our technology.
Sourcing commodities from the equatorial tropics?
Register for our white paper and see how we can help you verify sustainability and worker welfare within your your supply chain.